

Turn your passion for music into a career! Our Music major and minor offer a balanced selection of courses in music history, 表演, 理论 & 文学. You will have numerous opportunities to immerse yourself in the study of music, 器乐和声乐都有.





音乐表演 & 音乐与声音研究(文学士、艺术学士)


音乐表演 & 音乐声音研究



  • 音乐理论I* 4
  • 音乐理论II* 4
  • MUSC 320 Music Theory III/ Composition 3


  • 音乐225音乐史1
  • MUSC 226音乐史II


  • MUSC 130钢琴I* 2级
  • MUSC 131钢琴II* 2

课程(最低. 8学分)

  • MUSC 100-108 Applied Lessons 2-4
  • MUSC 300-308 Advanced Applied Lessons 4-8

Ensembles (0 credit; must participate in a major ensemble each semester)

  • 音乐271-279合奏0


  • MUSC 495 Senior Recital or Capstone Project 1-4

选修课(最低. 8学分)

  • 音乐211世界音乐
  • 音乐212美国音乐
  • 音乐213爵士入门2
  • 美国的卷轴音乐: Music and Film 4
  • MUSC 215 历史 of Rock Music 4
  • 音乐216调调音调2
  • MUSC 217 Cultural Competency in Music 4
  • MUSC 200专题2-4

*Students may be exempt by placement exam

Other courses may be considered; must be approved by the Department Head in consultation with Music Dept.

Total minimum MUSC credit hours for major: 40

Requirements for the Music minor

  • 音乐110音乐鉴赏
  • 音乐120音乐理论1
  • MUSC 130钢琴一级
  • MUSC 131钢琴二级
  • 音乐271-279音乐合奏
  • MUSC 101-108; 301-308 Private Lessons (on primary instrument or voice)

Note: Technique classes such as Beginning Voice, 132年音乐, may be substituted for one semester of private lesson.


  • MUSC 200专题
  • 音乐211世界音乐
  • 音乐212美国音乐
  • MUSC 213爵士入门
  • 美国的卷轴音乐
  • 音乐理论1

Music majors may choose to complement their credits and pursue our MBA 4+1课程 与我们商学院合作.

You may also choose to minor in 艺术管理 来补充你的音乐专业.

These additional opportunities will make you exceptionally attractive with positions available in arts management and administration as well as prepare you for the business of private studio teaching.

You will receive 私人课程, 整体指导, have multiple 表演 opportunities and a wide variety of music courses through classroom instruction. You will have the option of completing a Senior Recital or a Capstone, an individually designed project in music.

学生(专业, minors and non-majors) and community members are welcome to join any of the 乐团 below:

  • 合唱
  • 大学交响乐团
  • 室内乐:钢琴 & 字符串
  • 室内乐:古筝
  • 爵士乐团
  • 流行乐团
  • 集声合奏
  • 管乐团

For more information, please contact 莫妮卡Reginio.


If you're interested in minoring in Music, you might also consider these related majors and other minors:
